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Stoney Trail nearing Completion

Blog by Paul Thomas, REALTOR | September 27th, 2022

Calgary’s Stoney Trail Ring Road – Nearing completion!

History… Construction of the Stoney Trail, Calgary’s Ring Road, was started in 1996. That is twenty six years ago!  The first segment built was the bridge over the Bow River and the section from the Trans Canada Highway to Crowchild Trail on the city’s west side.  Construction has proceeded in sections around the city in a clockwise manner.

The province of Alberta is building this project as Stoney Trail is part of the provincial highway network.

The last nine km section is approximately half built with completion expected in 2024. This will bring to an end Alberta’s largest infrastructure project spanning twenty eight years and costing multiple billions of dollars.

This project will be a vital part of Calgary’s growth for many decades to come assisting with fast and efficient access through and around Calgary.