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Calgary Housing July 2022

Blog by Paul Thomas, REALTOR | August 3rd, 2022

Calgary Real Estate Market to end of July 2022

As expected the Real Estate market in Calgary is slowing.  The “Months of Supply” has been increasing for the last several months, as can be seen by the blue bars on the attached graph.  This will lead to downward price pressure if the trend continues.  Rising interest rates are tending to slow the market, while the high price of energy is helping Alberta to weather the slowing trend.  I will be interesting to see how these forces play out!

Apartment condominiums have seen a small increase in prices month over month, while all the other sectors (Detached, Semi-Detached and Row Housing) have seen a small decrease in prices month over month.

I trust that you are enjoying the summer and look forward to talking to you soon!
